Thursday, May 28, 2009

Forget the Hot Yam, It's cold 'barb!

Don't actually forget the Hot Yam, it is cheap and delicious. I am just a little bitter because I found out they had their first hot lunch of the summer today and I plum missed it.

Speaking of bitter this evening I was at my local No Frills picking up a case of Mexican red mangoes (approx 9) for 5.99!!!! and the couple in line was waiting for a price check. Neither they nor the cashier knew what it was they were buying (quite odd I thought) but I was more than happy to inform them it was Rhubarb. I explained that it is quite tart and that it is normally eaten in pie with something quite sweet (Apple or Strawberry) or stewed with sugar all of which are deeee-lish.

The groove is in your mouth.

I also told them the leaves are toxic but I failed to mention, due to ignorance, that rhubarb is a great source of Vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and may just help keep your bones strong.

The woman buying it told me she peels it and eats it raw with salt which blew my mind a little bit. Now I am dying to try it.

If you have had a raw rhubarb experience or a Jimi Hendrix experience please comment below and let me know how it was.


  1. There's nothing like strawberry rhubarb jam. Nothing. My mother-in-law sent me a crate of it when I was in South Korea and it prevented me from going completely mad due to culture shock.

  2. Last night Jae Steele and I spent a few hours dreaming up the perfect orange ginger rhubarb galette. By the time we decided on an approach we were too tired to make it - maybe today will bring rhubarb deliciousness. I also think warm rhubarb compote spooned over ice cream is amazing.
    I'm really glad you were there to bring new knowledge to the masses!
    I just finished making some pumpkin oat ice cream for next week's ice cream event at the RC. My freezer is filling up with fun recipes from the Vegan Scoop book.

  3. Rhubarb and I have never been friends. My mother tried...oh yes, she tried, but I would have nothing of it. Even delicious strawberries can't disguise the dreaded rhubarb. As for my Jimi Hendrix experience...I promised Jimi I wouldn't tell anyone. We made a pact even. True to my word, it goes to the grave with me, just as it did with him. R.I.P.
