I love meeting new people who are interested in exploring what vegetarianism can do for their health, the well-being of non-human animals and the longevity of our planet. It is always fun to encourage people to sign up for the Veggie Challenge or to take home a new cookbook (Veganomicon is always a hit).
The people I have meet at these events often share amazing stories of how vegetarianism has changed their life. I usually leave with an extra spring in my step. So, thank you to everyone who has stopped by our tables to share their experiences. You have given me the energy to continue to spread information and support to people wanting to make healthier lifestyle choices.
TVA has been hosting a great series of talks on healthy eating. I recently had the chance to attend the lecture given by Brendan Brazier. He is the creator of Vega and the author of The Thrive Diet and Thrive Fitness, oh and a champion ultramarathoner. Rawlicious hosted the audience of excited fans, and I sold a number of Brendan's books. Afterwards, we all went over to IronKore to listen to Brendan share his insights about how to eat for ultimate fitness and health.
I hope to see you all at an upcoming TVA event. I know there is a Bake Sale and a Bake Off in the works, so stay tuned.
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