On Saturday, April 25, John, Liam, and I hosted our first ever Free Vegan Cupcake Day at the RC. It was a beautiful day in Toronto - sunny and about 28C - and so people into trying delicious vegan eats were out in full force.
To make sure people could find us easily, Liam made a little sign for outside on the sidewalk which you can see him shyly displaying here, as he hides behind it. As you'll see below, however, Liam's shyness dissipated in the face of eating one of his own delicious vegan cupcakes (which, incidentally, his girlfriend made - but he watched, so it amounts to the same, right? Just kidding, Diane!).
Liam menaced one before eating it and that was pretty much the same intensity with which all of our visitors consumed these delicious little morsels.
(In case you're wondering why I'm writing Lisa-style, the answer is, I don't know. Except that she's awesome.)
John, whose fantastic idea this cupcake day was, made the super-fantastic looking Coconut Lime Cupcakes.
(I say only that they looked amazing because I didn't get the opportunity to try one!! They were just too popular with our visitors!)
There was some discussion about whether or not one should be eating the lime slices, or if yes, with or without the rind. John left that up to our guests to decide but I would have eaten it; I like cupcakes that make it feel like the top of your head is being blown off.
We'll be hosting other free vegan vittles tasting events in the future so we'll keep you posted on that, once we figure out what the vittles in question will be. In the meantime, I'll be dreaming about putting the lime in the coconut and eating up those delicious cupcakes...
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