Prior to kicking meat in the behind with a frozen synthetic moccasin, I was a disgustipating consumer of the 'M' word. A trip to Wendy's (sicK) would load my innards with a 1/4 lb single combo and two junior burgers. Taco Bell would have me running for the toilet after consuming a soft taco supreme combo with two extra soft tacos. On any given Sunday I could be found moaning on my Grandma's couch overfull with steak and kidney pie, roast beef, roast pork, fried chicken, turkey, ham, etc. etc.. Remarkably, Grandma lasted 94 years!
When I finally kicked the habit, I very quickly lost 25 lbs and gained a healthy sheen to my pasty skin. In the beginning it was all about the animal welfare but clearly health benefits were realised. Additionally, the environmental pros take the envy out of feeling green.
At first, I often had meat on the mind, especially when I was stuck eating a garden salad while others were enjoying a t-bone steak, but I never wavered. I, and my friends and family, have all learned how wonderful vegetarian food can be and their support coupled with my beliefs greatly eased my transition to my current animal-free ways.
Now-a-days I almost never crave meat. At the same time I am not really grossed out by it, fish and fast-food excluded, and while I won't handle, cook or buy it, I have no issues with sitting at the same table as it. Maybe it's because I am its master rather than the other way around. I also don't admonish those who consume it. If they are curious or abusive about my lifestyle then I am happy to inform or abuse them. I know that before I was the way I am I would not have responded well to someone being in my face about it. Zealousness is next to ungodliness.
I aim to inspire, through my actions, others to a more peacful, less impactful life. I would like to invite everyone who is interested in learning to come down to the RC. Whether you are considering reducing the amount of meat you consume and looking for tips, a long time vegetarian looking for some re-inspiration or anything in between we welcome your visits.

Bye bye, meat.
Hi hi, happiness.
Hello, meatlessness.
I don't think I'm a-gonna cry-y.
For the record, I find no issue with moccasins crafted by those who are respectful and align themselves with nature.